Ping pong is a sport anyone can play with many benefits, and demands concentration, good reflexes and agility. In clubs, schools, at work or at home, there are many great reasons to play table tennis at any age.
Considered a low-impact sport, table tennis can be played by anyone, including vulnerable people. It’s not for nothing that it’s one of the sports with the highest percentage of over-60 players. It is well understood that from the age of 60, physical ability and motor skills diminish rapidly. Whether or not they practice a sport, it is recommended that seniors turn their attention to lower-intensity activities. Ping pong is particularly well suited because it does not require intense effort and even allows certain capacities to be maintained. Table tennis is renowned for improving endurance thanks to its stimulation of the cardiovascular system. It helps to maintain muscle and joint capacity, which helps in keeping fit. Another notable benefit of ping pong for seniors is its ability to maintain and improve coordination and stimulate the mind. It activates the hippocampus, an area of the brain that plays a central role in memory. Because of this, table tennis can be used to combat Alzheimer’s, both as a means of prevention and to keep the disease from progressing in patients who already have it.
Ping pong has many well-known educational virtues. It’s a fun-filled sport that has a lot to offer for the development of young children. Better spatial awareness, developing psychomotor skills, concentration and reflexes, as well as strategy: from a very young age, ping pong helps develop a wide range of abilities. Table tennis can be played by kids aged 4 and up provided that appropriate equipment is used. In collaboration with the ITTF, Cornilleau has developed the Baby Ping kit, designed for children aged 4 to 7. This kit contains equipment adapted for them, as well as educational content specially developed for young children. It is a learning method that promotes interaction and self-confidence. Baby Ping uses fun exercises to allow kids to develop new skills while stimulating reflection and concentration.
Ping pong has many well-known educational virtues. It’s a fun-filled sport that has a lot to offer for the development of young children. Better spatial awareness, developing psychomotor skills, concentration and reflexes, as well as strategy: from a very young age, ping pong helps develop a wide range of abilities. Table tennis can be played by kids aged 4 and up provided that appropriate equipment is used. In collaboration with the ITTF, Cornilleau has developed the Baby Ping kit, designed for children aged 4 to 7. This kit contains equipment adapted for them, as well as educational content specially developed for young children. It is a learning method that promotes interaction and self-confidence. Baby Ping uses fun exercises to allow kids to develop new skills while stimulating reflection and concentration.
The young and young at heart can be rough on equipment at times. Wooden rackets are not recommended for such players. However, rackets made from composite materials are particularly well suited. Designed to withstand impacts and inclement weather, they are considered outdoor rackets, but are perfect for indoor use as well. Among them, the Softbat has many additional advantages for young players. Its handle is designed to encourage proper hand positioning, which has a real impact on racket handling. Made with used textiles from the Armor-Lux brand as part of a recycling program, it is the world’s first eco-friendly outdoor racket. This means it also helps raise awareness about sustainable development. It’s no accident then that these rackets are so well appreciated by teachers and so widely used in schools.
Discover : Ultra-durable rackets

Ping pong tables are no longer just a cliché for start-ups; companies everywhere are getting on board. The tables have a direct impact on well-being in the workplace, stress management and employee health. Tables can be set up for casual use – in a break area, for example – but can also be used for more structured events such as tournaments, competitions or team-building activities. Some companies even use them as an ice-breaker during interviews. Table tennis in the workplace has just as many benefits for the company that adopts it: boosting feelings of camaraderie, employee loyalty and employee efficiency on collaborative projects. Staff will also feel the benefits: playing ping pong at work helps relieve stress, allows them to get to know colleagues in a new way, and fosters their self-confidence within the group.

Ping pong tables are no longer just a cliché for start-ups; companies everywhere are getting on board. The tables have a direct impact on well-being in the workplace, stress management and employee health. Tables can be set up for casual use – in a break area, for example – but can also be used for more structured events such as tournaments, competitions or team-building activities. Some companies even use them as an ice-breaker during interviews. Table tennis in the workplace has just as many benefits for the company that adopts it: boosting feelings of camaraderie, employee loyalty and employee efficiency on collaborative projects. Staff will also feel the benefits: playing ping pong at work helps relieve stress, allows them to get to know colleagues in a new way, and fosters their self-confidence within the group.